The stereotypical bald man is someone of an advanced age who loses their hair overtime. However, this isn’t always the case. Male pattern baldness, a genetically inherited trait, can affect individuals as early as their teenage years. With everything else that teens have to deal with just being in high school or college, hair loss isn’t something else they want to tackle.
Experiencing hair loss as a young man is quite the challenge, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life entirely. You can navigate through this trial just as you would through any other. To help you out during this unique challenge of your life, here’s a list of tips that can help you out:
1. Treat With Medication Early
The earlier you can start hair loss treatment, the better. As soon as you notice the potential signs of early onset male pattern baldness, you should speak to a medical professional about treatment options. If you get on top of things right from the jump, you may be able to preserve the hair you still have.
Hair loss medication has some interesting flexibility. There are pills you can take that contain ingredients used to strengthen and promote hair growth. There are also topical options in the form of shampoos and conditioners or foams and serums that treat hair loss directly at the source. This gives you some options when selecting a personal treatment plan.
You might start with something like a topical finasteride that’s applied directly to the hair. This medication blocks the production of the hormone primarily responsible for male pattern baldness. If that’s not working as well as you’d like, perhaps minoxidil will do the trick. This medication focuses on increasing blood flow to your hair follicles, which promotes hair regrowth and scalp health. Some topicals combine both medications, too.
2. Understand What Accelerates Hair Loss
Regardless of if you have male pattern baldness or not, there are certain activities that can accelerate hair loss. Being aware of these actions allows you to avoid them and replace them with different activities that instead promote hair health and growth.
As a stark example, smoking has long been associated with increased hair loss in men. Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals, and when you smoke, they can travel from your lungs to your bloodstream. From there, they can spread to other parts of your body — including your hair follicles — and negatively impact many aspects of your health. In a 2020 study, researchers found that 425 out of 500 smokers experienced hair loss while only 200 of 500 nonsmokers showed signs of hair loss. If you need motivation to quit smoking, take a look at your hair.
Other factors that can influence your hair health include your diet, stress levels, and the types of products you put into your hair. Foods that are greasy or high in salt and sugar can exacerbate your hair loss symptoms. Hair treatments with strong chemicals or intense heat can also damage your hair and scalp. Take note of the habits you currently follow and determine which of them you may need to throw to the wayside.
3. Be Willing to Experiment With New Styles
You didn’t ask to start balding at an early age. However, griping about your unfortunate circumstance isn’t going to change anything. You’ll find greater happiness and success by rolling with the punches and making the best out of your situation.
For example, you can start by being open to new hairstyles. You may not be able to wear your hair the way you’re used to, but a different style could accommodate your changing physical appearance better. Some people have even found that shaving their heads makes for a good look, and it can even be a confidence booster.
The use of a wig or toupee is also an option worth considering. The stigma is that this is another solution reserved for older men. The truth is that these solutions are available to anyone who is looking to boost their confidence and restore their personal appearance. Besides, there are products out there that are so well crafted that no one will even be able to tell, even if it mattered what others thought about it.
4. Keep Up Your Mental Health
When experiencing hair loss as a young man, it’s natural to have negative thoughts and feelings about the ordeal. The unfortunate truth is that this may only exacerbate your symptoms. You’re not doing yourself any favors by focusing on the negative. It’s not good for your mental health or your stress levels.
Several studies have tied high levels of stress to increased hair loss. Mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression can also contribute to hair loss. The drastic hormone fluctuations brought on by chronic stress can affect your body’s ability to promote hair growth, among other things.
Maintaining and improving your mental health is good for more than just your hair health. Your personal and professional relationships are greatly influenced by your mental state and emotional resilience. You’ll feel better and look your best when you are happy in your skin, regardless of outside circumstances.
No one is expected to wake up in the morning with half a head of hair and shrug it off as no big deal. However, you’ll live a much more enjoyable life when you take hair loss in stride and try to make the best out of your new circumstances. A positive outlook can take you very far, and paired with preventative actions and treatments, your hair can improve.